Kidding season, the time eagerly anticipated by everybody on our farm. I liken it to waiting for Christmas morning, but with much crazier hours and busy work. The arrival of new babies is an exciting time, one that you work all year to have be successful and disaster free. This year, all of our does kidded within days of each other, making for a busy week filled with lots of fun:-) Last Thursday, our youngest doe, a yearling named Trouble kidded at 1 am. The very next day, one of our oldest does, Malificent gave us a nice big buckling and a lovely doeling. This was followed by Persephone, our Boer x doe who , not to be outdone, gave us an adorable set of triplets. Sadly, one of the triplets was stillborn. However, the other two are as healthy and spunky as can be!
The does that followed, two at a time, were Misty and Firework,
then Jasmine and Jamaica who were in turn followed by the last two first time mommies, Tweety and Aurora. We now have 15 adorable, heathy kids in the barn, and many does to milk. The time for full swing barn hours has begun...The leisurely hours of morning coffee time and winter will soon be a distant memory
The does that followed, two at a time, were Misty and Firework,
then Jasmine and Jamaica who were in turn followed by the last two first time mommies, Tweety and Aurora. We now have 15 adorable, heathy kids in the barn, and many does to milk. The time for full swing barn hours has begun...The leisurely hours of morning coffee time and winter will soon be a distant memory